Cartooning for Peace / [CARTOONING FOR PEACE AND DEMOCRACY] Figures, Pictures and Exhibitions

[CARTOONING FOR PEACE AND DEMOCRACY] Figures, Pictures and Exhibitions

In a changing world, with more or less brutal transformations and a burning topicality, how to fight, always with humour, for the respect of cultures and freedoms? How to respond to the specific challenges of each country’s youth while opening them up to the world? How to encourage the civic engagement of young people and sensitive audiences and free their speeches? These are the questions that this programme, funded by the European Union, seeks to answer.


Through media and citizenship education for young and so-called sensitive audiences, the programme explores the possibility of promoting a culture of peace and democracy through press cartoons in nine priority countries: MoroccoPalestine, Israel, Tunisia, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, MexicoCanada and Ethiopia.



The educational exhibitions, country by country:


MOROCCO. Discover the exhibition « Tsawar M3aya » (in Arabic and in French):


PALESTINE. Discover the exhibition “Cartooning for Peace and Democracy” (in Arabic and in English):


ISRAEL. Discover the exhibition « Cartooning for Peace and Democracy in Israel » (in Hebrew):


TUNISIA. Discover the exbition “Cartooning for Peace and Democracy” (in French and in Arabic):


CÔTE D’IVOIRE. The exhibition is not online. You can discover the exhibition “Cartoons and citizenship: Cartooning for Democracy and Peaceful Elections” (in French).








BURKINA FASO. Discover the exhibition “Cartooning for Peace and Democracy” (in French):



MEXICO. Discover the exhibition “Dibujamos la paz y la democracia” (in Spanish and in English):


CANADA. Discover the exhibition “Cartooning for Peace and Democracy in Canada” (in French):


ETHIOPIA. Discover the exhibition “Cartooning for Peace and Democray in Ethiopia” (in English and in Amharic):




With its network of cartoonists, a proven methodology and content in tune with today’s major societal issues, the organisation combines its human resources and tools with the experience and expertise of local partners, educational and / or prison professionals. In order to do so, Cartooning for Peace:

  • Trains press cartoonists of their network to intervene in sensitive environments (schools and prisons)
  • Trains professionals in education and mediation on its education through press cartoons
  • Creates educational kits offering a critical and international look at the cultural and societal issues of the target country in consultation with partners
  • Offers pilot workshops in schools and prisons in cooperation with its partners


Through the “Cartooning for Peace and Democracy” project, Cartooning for Peace proposes to its partners to use press cartoons as a new pedagogical tool to reinforce their peace education actions and promote the civic engagement of young people and sensitive audiences. During the course of the programme, exchanges of experience and good practices helps to build a lasting and sustainable network of actors committed to a culture of peace, tolerance and democracy.



Discover the Programme: 


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