Cartooning for Peace / The association / Our partners

Our partners

Cartooning for Peace would like to thank its many partners who enable the organisation to continue its work in support of press cartoons, freedom of expression and press cartoonists around the world:




Cartooning for Peace thanks for their precious support:

Agence française de Développement – French development agency

Agence Française de Développement (AFD) supports Cartooning for Peace to raise awareness of human rights and the Sustainable Development Goals: press cartoons are committed to a fairer, more sustainable world based on solidarity.


French Ministry of Culture

Support from the French Ministry of Culture enables Cartooning for Peace to develop its educational and editorial activities.



MGEN has supported the Cartooning for Peace organisation since it was founded, and is committed to defending fundamental freedoms and equal rights, while ensuring that its actions have a resolutely educational dimension.


“La France s’engage” Foundation

“La France s’engage”, an initiative spearheaded by former French President François Hollande, recognises the most innovative and socially useful projects. In 2017, Cartooning for Peace won the Special Prize of “La France s’engage”. Thanks to this support, Cartooning for Peace is strengthening its educational initiatives in schools, extra-curricular activities and prisons.


Fondation de France-logoFondation de France

The Fondation de France has been supporting Cartooning for Peace projects since 2012, when it launched the “Cartooning for Peace” travelling exhibition aimed at schools.



Cartooning for Peace benefits from Cartier’s support in 2024.



CFC has been collectively managing book and press copyright for copies and redistributions of their content in all sectors of activity since 1983. In accordance with the French Intellectual Property Code, it devotes part of the sums it collects to funding cultural initiatives aimed at supporting creative work and those involved in the press and books. The CFC supports CFP in 2024.


They support our educational activities:

French Ministry of Justice

With the support of the French Ministry of Justice, Cartooning for Peace offers educational activities in prisons (exhibitions and “debate” and “practical” workshops with press cartoonists).


French Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport

Cartooning for Peace is accredited by the French Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MENE2214200A) as an organisation that supports public education. This accreditation is renewed in 2022 for a further 5 years (since 2016). The organisations offer educational activities that complement the school curriculum, in line with school projects, and take part in school life during or outside school hours.


10 Fonds 11 janvier11 January Fund

Thanks to the support of the 11 January Fund set up following the assassination of Samuel Paty, Cartooning for Peace has developed a website, available free of charge to education professionals by registration: The aim of the site is to provide resources for teaching through press cartoons and human rights education (in French).


Town of Vaulx-en-Velin

Cartooning for Peace and the Town of Vaulx-en-Velin have been working together since 2019 to offer educational workshops based on the organisation’s exhibitions, aimed at young people during extra-curricular time, as well as training for education professionals. Cartooning for Peace is a signatory of the city’s Plan to Combat Racism, Anti-Semitism and Discrimination.


Town of Conflans-Sainte-Honorine

The town of Conflans-Sainte-Honorine, which witnessed the assassination of Professor Samuel Paty, has been a partner of Cartooning for Peace since the attack. An evening debate was organised in 2021, followed by a residency at the Médiathèque Blaise-Cendrars in 2022-2023.


Intermédia 78

Intermédia 78 is supporting the organisation and working together on the “Cartooning for Peace” exhibition, which will be on show in nine media libraries in the department throughout 2024.


Léo Lagrange Federation

The Léo Lagrange Federation and Cartooning for Peace are once again teaming up on a new project, “To Kplon Nou”.


Et si Foundation

The Et Si Foundation supports the promotion of living art, the development of the art of the spoken word and creativity. Sheltered by the Fondation de France, the foundation has been supporting Cartooning for Peace in its educational activities since 2021.


Fondation d’entreprise Hermès

The Fondation d’entreprise Hermès cultivates a garden of diversity and is committed to the common good. It supports Cartooning for Peace’s educational activities, in their entirety, since 2023.

Cultural Olympiad Label – Olympic Games Paris 2024

Cartooning for Peace has been awarded the Cultural Olympiad Label for the Olympic and Paralympic Games to be held in Paris in 2024, in the “debate of ideas” category, as part of its educational project: “There’s going to be sport! Press cartoons and citizenship”.


In partnership with: 08 Clemi  


They help us support threatened cartoonists:


UNESCO – Global Media Defence Fund (GMDF)

Thanks to the UNESCO Global Media Defence Fund, Cartooning for Peace implements several projects for the legal protection of press cartoonists.


Isocrates Foundation

The Isocrates Foundation supports Cartooning for Peace on its “Enhancing legal support to press cartoons in the digital age” project.


SCAM – Society for non fiction authors

SCAM’s support enables Cartooning for Peace to continue its monitoring and support missions.


In partnership with: amnesty-international     


Cartooning for Peace also thanks its media partnerships:


Le Monde

A long-standing supporter of Cartooning for Peace, Le Monde publishes a cartoon signed by a Cartooning for Peace cartoonist on its front page every Monday to Thursday. The organisation also runs a blog called “Libérons les Crayons!” on the Le Monde website.


France Médias Monde

In virtue of their common values, France Médias Monde and Cartooning for Peace collaborate since 2013 in order to promote the recognition of press cartoonists’ journalistic work and contribute to freedom of expression. Each Friday evening, on the set of the show “One week in the world” on France 24, Cartooning for Peace’s cartoons on international news.


France Culture

Since 2018, Cartooning for Peace collaborates on the “Cultures Monde” programme, presented by Mélanie Chalandon, on France Culture. It explores contemporary issues in different countries and regions of the world. Every Friday morning, a press cartoon related to the news of the week is commented on.




Cartooning for Peace and Moyen-Orient have been partners since 2015: a page of press cartoons devoted to a current theme in the Middle East and composed of 6 to 7 press cartoons is offered to the magazine’s readers every three months.


Logo_Le_Temps Le Temps

A selection of cartoons is submitted to the Swiss daily Le Temps: one of the 10 cartoons submitted is published in the Saturday cultural supplement under the heading “Le dessin de la semaine, sélectionné par Chappatte” (The cartoon of the week, selected by Chappatte).


The Conversation France

Since 2024, every week, a few articles are enriched by the offbeat viewpoint and sharp analysis of Cartooning for Peace’s cartoonists, reminding us that press cartoons are an integral part of the news media ecosystem.



Valeurs Mutualistes (MGEN)

Cartooning for Peace sketches current events in the “Eye of the cartoonists” section of Valeurs Mutualistes, the quarterly magazine for MGEN members.







Sponsorship Opportunities

Institutions, local authorities, foundations, private players: Cartooning for Peace benefits from the support of many actors to pursue its actions. We are actively seeking support from individuals and organisations who wish to invest in peace, freedom of expression and information, democracy, human rights and youth.

For more information on sponsorship, please contact Chloé Guerif, Communications and Sponsorship Officer:


They supported Cartooning for Peace:


07 conseil_departemental_seine-seint-denis