The Fédération Léo Lagrange and Cartooning for Peace are once again teaming up on a new project, “To Kplon Nou”, to “offer the people of Benin a comprehensive educational offering to encourage links between local people, their self-fulfilment and their civic commitment”.
Supported by the Fédération Léo Lagrange and backed by the Agence Française de Développement, “To Kplon Nou” began in September 2023 and will run for three years. The project involves rehabilitating ten Beninese socio-cultural centres, reinvesting them in popular education. A leadership training centre will be set up in Cotonou, where the directors and future leaders of these centres will be trained by trainers who themselves will be trained by Léo Lagrange employees.
Cartooning for Peace will train Beninese cartoonists and the organisers of these centres – youth and leisure centres – to develop activities based on press cartoons and media education. The organisers, together with the cartoonists, will co-construct the educational content needed to develop these activities.
The aim of these training courses is to revitalise 10 of these centres and enable the activity leaders to propose and set up media education activities using press cartoons.
The animators and cartoonists trained by Cartooning for Peace will organise workshops in the centres to enable young people to debate social issues and freedom of expression, and to strengthen their critical faculties.
To achieve this, an educational tool with content tailored to the specific issues in Benin will also be developed during the training of the facilitators, and then used during these workshops with young Beninese.
Cartoon: Yemi (Ethiopia)