Cartooning for Peace / Events / “Press cartoons, free to laugh?”

“Press cartoons, free to laugh?”



Online conference the 21th of September, 12:00pm (Québec) – 6:00pm (Paris)

With the press cartoonists: 

Moderator : Marie-Eve Lacas, journalist at Radio-Canada and rewarded illustrator

At the invitation of the EUNIC network in Montreal, the European Union National Institutes for Culture, Cartooning for Peace is pleased to propose the second online conference, “Press cartoons, free to laugh?“. Conducted in English, it took place online on the symbolic date of September the 21st, the World Peace Day, fifteen years after the association’s birth.

Humor, central to the critical work of most press cartoonists, has shown to be essential in times of crisis. But, paradoxically, it is not unanimously sanctioned, whether by some authorities or by part of the citizens. Press cartoons and their satirical message do not necessarily make everyone laugh anymore.

Do we have to learn to laugh again or to make people laugh? Can we laugh at everything or everyone and with everyone? Are press cartoons and caricatures symbols of a bygone era, as Marion Dupont posed in her article for France Culture?

So many questions that cross the press cartoon and can receive different answers depending on the context and the people.

The second conference proposes, by crossing the views of European and Canadian press cartoonists, to touch on the question of laughter in our societies, particularly in times of crisis.

Learn more on the first conference.

Watch the conference here:


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    “Press cartoons, free to laugh?” - VISUEL CONFERENCE EUNIC CFP