Cartooning for Peace / Covid-19 response in Africa: Together for reliable information (2021-2022)

Covid-19 response in Africa: Together for reliable information (2021-2022)

Cartooning for Peace is pleased to take part in this project contributing to the strengthening of access to information and the promotion of freedom of expression in Africa; health crises such as the ones we are experiencing reinforce the need for reliable information. However, the confusion caused by the COVID-19 crisis has led to the spread of false information or systematic misinformation. The role of the journalist is therefore central to meeting our need for information. Circumstances have exacerbated the difficulties of the profession of journalist and generated a lack of resources, opportunities or a reinforcement of repression against them which affect the profession in Africa.


Funded by the European Union, the 18-month project is implemented by Free Press Unlimited, Article 19, Reporters Without Borders (RSF), Fondation Hirondelle, Deutsche Welle and International Media Support, in collaboration with UNESCO. It aims to provide an effective response to the COVID-19 crisis in Sub-Saharan Africa by supporting the media in 17 countries in the region to continue to provide reliable and critical information to their audiences.


It consists of three objectives:

1. To financially support local media actors to enable them to fulfill their role as informers ;

2. Fostering the sharing of good practices between media organizations and journalists and capacity building ;

3. Ensure effective advocacy to safeguard the right to freedom of expression and information by following up on alerts and formulating concrete policy recommendations.


Cartooning for Peace contributes to the programme’s third objective as a privileged partner of Reporters Without Borders and Article 19 in order to identify violations of freedom of expression against cartoonists on the continent and to relay them on the dedicated observatory.

The organisation also participates in advocacy and campaigning efforts with its partners and highlights its members at dedicated events. The project, launched on the occasion of the International Day for Universal Access to Information, already enjoys a high profile.



Publication: “Covid-19 Response in Africa… and in cartoons!”




Debate “Le Monde Afrique” with Arnaud Froger, Africa Manager at Reporters Without Borders, Lassane Zohoré (Côte d’Ivoire) of Cartooning for Peace, and Chiara Adamo, Head of Unit at the European Commission’s DG DEVCO.

– Cartooning for Peace mobilized in the realisation of the project, which was presented on the occasion of the broadcast “Une semaine dans le monde” on France 24.



Cartoon: Marvin Halleraker (Norway)

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