How did editorial cartoonists experience the last presidential campaign in France and the beginning of the quinquennat? This is the main theme of the next debate hosted by Jean Jaurès Foundation and in partnership with Cartooning for Peace, on January, Wednesday 31st – reuniting cartoonists Kak (L’Opinion) and Xavier Gorce (Le Monde) for a discussion and live sketching.
This is also a great occasion to highlight album “Alors, ça marche ?” (So, it works?)”, a special-edition published in Cartooning for Peace and éditions Gallimard collection in October 2017.
After a chaotic election campaign marked by scandals and the internal division of the two major political parties in the country, French people finally elected last May their new president: Emmanuel Macron. This new political actor’s personality is as much intriguing than a subject to criticism. Who is really Emmanuel Macron? What is his project for France? In this album, writer and philosopher Régis Debray reviews the 100 first days of Emmanuel Macron. A selection of 120 political cartoons complete his commentaries, exploring each step of the quinquennat’s beginning.
The special-edition is a great addition to the Cartooning for Peace collection, since four albums are already published. Each thematic 120-page book is prefaced by an expert and explores a subject of topical interest through sixty editorial cartoons from all over the world. The four first books last May, on the themes of Europe, the refugee crisis, the role of women and the USA after Trump’s election. The prefaces were written by Daniel Cohn-Bendit for Désunion Européenne (European Disunion), Benjamin Stora for Tous migrants ! (All migrants !), Elisabeth Badinter for Place aux femmes ! (Make way for women !) and Eric Fottorino for DéTrumpez-vous ! (Trumping Trump !).
Debate is hosted by Jérémie Peltier, Director of Studies at Jean Jaurès Foundation.
Free entry upon registration, click here.
Live streaming of the debate on Jean Jaurès Foundation website and on Youtube starting from 6.30pm.
Click here to find the event on Facebook.