Cartooning for Peace / Alert Uganda – Jimmy Spire Ssentongo

Alert Uganda – Jimmy Spire Ssentongo

26 May 2023

Cartoonist Jimmy Spire Ssentongo concerned for his life

Cartooning for Peace is concerned by the announcement made by Ugandan academic and cartoonist Jimmy Spire Ssentongo, who says he fears for his life after receiving reports of threats against him.

The cartoonist, who contributes to the defence of Social Justice in his country, has recently launched several participatory campaigns on social media aimed at highlighting dysfunctions in the field of road infrastructure (#kampalaPotholeExhibition), health (#UgandaHealthExhibition), and security (#UgandaSecurityExhibition).

The campaigns, to which the cartoonist contributes in cartoons, have gone viral and are said to be the reason for the threats against him. In the same message as the one reporting threats against him, he also announced that he was taking a step aside from the campaigns.

Cartooning for Peace, which had the opportunity to work with the cartoonist on a project in Kenya, is concerned about the announcement made by Jimmy Spire Ssentongo and calls for the authorities to guarantee his safety. The organisation, which will follow up the case, also regrets the constraint on the cartoonist’s free expression.


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