Cartooning for Peace / En avant toutes! (All for Women!)

En avant toutes! (All for Women!)

120 international press cartoons highlight women’s struggle for equal rights from #MeToo and denounce violence against women around the world, preface by Laure Adler in partnership with Amnesty International.

In 2017, the #MeToo movement called for the liberation of the voice of victims of sexual harassment. Millions of women around the world spoke with one voice to bear witness to the abuse they may have suffered. Today, what conclusions can we draw from this episode? If our society seems to be engaged in a necessary reflection on the status of women, with equality between women and men as its horizon, respect for the rights of each woman is still far from being guaranteed in France and in the four corners of the globe. Selected by Cartooning for Peace, 120 international press cartoons come back to women’s rights in the world after #MeToo. While participating in the denunciation of injunctions and violence against women, they support feminist struggles and their determining issues.

Out on the 5th of March

Gallimard Editions


See the book


An exhibition “Cartooning for Women” has been created and is available.