Cartooning for Peace and the association Ciné Droit Libre (CDL) offer the Burkinabe public the opportunity to discover the work of a press cartoonist and to debate social issues within the framework of the “Cartooning Peace and Democracy” project supported by the European Commission.
Following the training of the coordinators of the Clubs de Ciné Droit Libre and the Burkinabe press cartoonists last December, the exhibition “Dessinons la paix et la démocratie au Burkina-Faso” (Cartooning peace and democracy in Burkina Faso) is now on the road, as are meetings with cartoonists from all over the country.
The first stage takes place on Saturday 21 April 2018 in Dori. At the Ecole Nationale des Enseignants du Primaire, nearly 280 people discover the exhibition and meet cartoonist Seydou Sangare dit SAM. This workshop is followed by a screening and debate of the film “Burkinabè Rising” by Iara Lee, whose debate was moderated by Bayala lianhoué Imhotep, one of the actors of the film.