The Cartooning to Silence the Guns project is a collaborative arts-for-peace project of UNESCO IICBA and Cartooning for Peace, being part of the “Silencing the Guns in Africa by the Year 2020 through Investing in Youth Education, Awareness and Advocacy” Programme initiated by the Africa Union (AU). The purpose of this project is to create awareness among African youth and youth leaders of the age of 20 to 28 on peacebuilding initiatives and possibilities through cartooning. Cartooning arts will be used as a teaching and literacy tool to promote a safe and stimulating environment for innovation, inquiry, dialogue.
UNESCO IICBA and Cartooning for Peace will host two virtual training and awareness-raising webinars in English and French on how to use cartooning art for transmitting messages on “Silencing the Guns” through the lens of peace and social and human rights. Participants will learn concepts and techniques from professional press cartoonists and engage in discussion on the visual power of cartoons and their role in the spread of information, education, debate, and advocacy. Then, participants will construct their own cartoons on relevant social issues. These exercises will sharpen their critical thinking skills for debate and enhance their freedom of expression. Later, there will be two online exhibitions of the art created by the youth participants.
The English-Speaking sessions will take place on the 24th and 27th of November and the French-Speaking sessions will take place on the 17th and 18th of December.
The Cartoonists engaged in the project (by alphabetical order) are Alaa Satir (Sudan), Damien Glez (Burkina Faso), Oscar (Guinea), Pov (Madagascar), Tayo (Nigeria), Willis from Tunis (Tunisia), Yemi (Ethiopia), Zapiro (South Africa).
Watch the English-Speaking sessions:
Article on the webinar published in the Italian newspaper L’Espresso : 2020-12-lespresso_semaire IICBA