Strasbourg is the European city at heart, involved in the defense of Human Rights and Democracy. Cartooning for Peace wants to celebrate its fundamental values in this highly symbolic territory.
In 2019 we also celebrate the 70th year of the Council of Europe, the 60th year of the European Court of Human Rights and the French Presidency of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe.
Thanks to the strong partnership built up with Ms Dunja Mijatovic, Councif of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, that allowed Cartooning for Peace to produce the exhibition « Human Rights, still some way to go ? », Cartooning for Peace will make of the city of Strabourg the capital of press cartooning, during the fall of 2019. It will gather editorial press cartoonists from all over the world to debate on these questions through that universal and humoristic language.
This operation will invest the city and engage the inhabitants in several key moments from the 21th of September, World Peace day, to the 8th of November, end of the World Forum for Democracy.
Antonio (Portugal), Bado (Canada), Boligán (Mexico), Camdelafu (Venezuela), Chappatte (Switzerland), Dlog (Tunisia), Uri Fink (Israel), Ali Ghamir (Morocco), Glez (Burkina Faso), Xavier Gorce (France), Khalid Gueddar (Morocco), Kak (France), Kazanevsky (Ukraine), Khalil (Palestine), Michel Kichka (Israel), L’Andalou (Algeria), Yannick Lefrançois (France), Denis Lopatin (Russia), Pedro x. Molina (Nicaragua), Mykaïa (France), Nardi (Italy), Needall (Tunisie), Pierre Pauma (France), Plantu (France), Rayma (Venezuela), Lars Refn (Denmark), Tjeerd Royaards (the Netherlands), Izel Rozental (Turkey), Laurent Salles (France), Ann Telnaes (United States of America), Nicolas Vadot (Belgique), Yemi (Ethiopia), Z (Tunisia), Wiglaf (France), Willy Zekid (Republic of Congo), Zlatkovsky (Russia), Zohoré (Ivory Coast)
Thursday 7 November, 5:00-6:30pm, hemicycle of the Council of Europe
In our «new world» open and connected, press cartoonists (who are both journalists, artists and comedians) are shattered time after time! The New YorkTimes affair is a case study that crystallizes all the difficulties facing the profession: the political-economic-religious censorship, sensitivities overwhelmed by the controversy over the social networks, the surrender of some editorial offices of the press in the face of the storm…. While we live in a world of images, art of satire and impertinence, which is at the heart of the press cartoon, wouldn’t it have become today more difficult than yesterday? This is a very serious matter Wouldn’t we need to «relearn laughter»? to face the evils of our time and our fragile democracies with distance, intelligence and critical thinking? The press cartoonists would help us do that. but… are we up to the challenge? on freedom of expression, us readers?
During the sessions, the press cartoonists will live draw and realize a collaboritave fresco at the heart of the Council of Europe.
With Ann Telnaes (United States), António (Portugal), Chappatte (Switzerland), Glez (Burkina Faso), Kichka (Israel), Plantu (France), Rayma (Venezuela) and Zlatkovsky (Russia). Moderation: Vladimir Vasak (Arte).
Live streaming:
Replay (available on Friday 8 November, afternoon):
As part of the « Cartooning for Peace and Democracy » Programme, Cartooning for Peace will organize a reunion between press cartoonists, professionnals, in order to discuss actions under two pillars:
Don’t shoot the press cartoonist! – Inventory and solutions for the support to press cartoonists
Weddnesday 6 november, 9:00-12:45 pm, room 10, Council of Europe
Review of the situation of press cartoonists and presentation of the Programme’s achievements
Inventory of the programme’s achievements by the Cartooning for Peace team and contextualization followed by the testimony of the press cartoonist Denis Lopatin (Russia).
Roundtable “Anticipating and responding to threats. Means of support for press cartoonists”
The round table will bring together press cartoonists, governmental representative and nongovernmental organizations working to protect and defend freedom of expression for an enriching discussion:
Moderation will be provided by Patrick Chappatte, editorial cartoonist and Vice-President of the Cartooning for Peace Foundation and Sylvain Platevoet, Programme and international development manager, Cartooning for Peace.
The press cartoon in the service of Media and Information Literacy (MIL) and Global citizenship education (GCE) in the world
Wednesday 6 November, 2:00 – 5:00 pm, room 10, Council of Europe
The pedagogical strength of press cartoons among young people around the world, testimonies of the “Cartooning for Peace and Democracy” Programme
The programme provided an opportunity to build educational projects based on the Cartooning for Peace methodology in nine countries around the world (Burkina Faso, Canada, Ivory Coast, Ethiopia, Israel, Mexico, Morocco, Palestine, Tunisia). The session will consist of an interactive presentation of the results of the national projects by the press cartoonists, partners and beneficiaries of the programme. The aim will be to learn from experience and benefit from the recommendations of those involved in these projects.
Moderation will be provided by Lisa Serero, Educational Project Manager at Cartooning for Peace and Sylvain Platevoet, International Programme Manager at Cartooning for Peace.
Round table “The role of press cartoons in the MIL and GCE around the world”
After more than 10 years of implementing educational actions in France and 3 years in the 9 countries of the “Cartooning for Peace and Democracy” programme, the association wishes to reflect collectively on the best way to perpetuate the approach put in place, at the service of the public and cartoonists. To this end, it invites specialists to present their vision of the pedagogical role of the press cartoon. The panelists:
Moderation will be provided by Jérôme Bouvier, President of the Journalism and Citizenship Association.
Wednesday 6 November, 6:30 pm, entrance of the hemicycle of the Council of Europe
The opening will be in the presence of Dunja Mijatovic, Human Rights Commissionner of the Council of Europe at 6:30 pm.
The press cartoonists will live draw all the debates and sessions during the World Forum for Democracy
Friday 8 November, 9:00 am – 10 :30 am, hemicycle of the Council of Europe
Plantu (France), Founder and Honorary President of Cartooning for Peace, and Pedro X. Molina (Nicaragua) are invited to take part to the 4th plenary session of the World Forum for Democracy, “Freedom of expression and protection of journalists”.
Friday 8 November, 1:30-3:30pm, Bas-Rhin Department Hall
Cartooning for Peace set a partnership with the department of Bas-Rhin in order to develop a long term implantation of its educational actions dedicated to middle schools (meetings with press cartoonists and development of educational tools of Cartooning for Peace) on the whole territory.
In September, the exhibition “Cartooning for Peace“ will travel in the department schools to end in the Departement Hall for the World Forum for Democracy.
Cartooning for Peace will organise a conference in the auditorium of the Department Hall with 7 classes from Middle Schools on Friday 8 November (1:30-5:30pm) at the Departement Hall with Michel Kichka (Israel), Nardi (Italy) and Willy Zekid (Republic of the Congo), with the participation of Plantu (France).
More informations on Cartooning for Peace’s educational programme.
Cartoonig for Peace presents its exhibition «Press cartoon: a state of Affairs!», international overview on freedom of speech, at the Region Hall from the 8th of of November to the 20th of December. The opening will be on Friday 8 November at the Region Hall. Educational meetings between press cartoonists and students will take place on the evening of the 8th of November in partnership with the Region.
Needall (Tunisia), interview at “l’air du temps” on the arabic radio MCD, 11 November 2019:
During this event, Cartooning for Peace organizes a fundraising to continue its actions. Make a donation.
The exhibition “Human Rights, still some way to go ?” is displayed at the Terrasse du Palais Rohan until the 8th of November and at the Council of Europe. More informations on the exhibition
See the presentation of the event online