Editorial published on April 29, 2021
As every year, Cartooning for Peace cartoonists are mobilizing all over the world in favor of press freedom, a fight that is all the more essential in times of pandemic: Reporters Without Borders has just published its world press freedom ranking and reminds us that journalism, “the main vaccine against the virus of disinformation”, is “totally or partially blocked in 73% of the countries evaluated by RSF”.
This is why Cartooning for Peace is continuing its commitment alongside UNESCO and RSF in particular, within the framework of World Press Freedom Day, under the theme of “Information as a public good”. Find all the information here…
To see our previous weekly editorials on international news, take a look here!
May 3: Cartooning for Peace Celebrates World Press Freedom Day - Joep Bertrams (Pays-Bas / The Netherlands)
"un bond en avant"
May 3: Cartooning for Peace Celebrates World Press Freedom Day - L’Andalou (Algérie / Algeria)
May 3: Cartooning for Peace Celebrates World Press Freedom Day - Ares (Cuba)
May 3: Cartooning for Peace Celebrates World Press Freedom Day - Boligán (Mexique / Mexico)
May 3: Cartooning for Peace Celebrates World Press Freedom Day - Carrilho (Portugal)
May 3: Cartooning for Peace Celebrates World Press Freedom Day - Solís (Mexique / Mexico)
May 3: Cartooning for Peace Celebrates World Press Freedom Day - Lars Refn (Danemark / Denmark)
May 3: Cartooning for Peace Celebrates World Press Freedom Day - Dlog (Tunisie / Tunisia)
May 3: Cartooning for Peace Celebrates World Press Freedom Day - Rodriguez (Mexique / Mexico)
"Liberté d'expression"
May 3: Cartooning for Peace Celebrates World Press Freedom Day - Kal (Etats-Unis / USA), The Economist
"Dark Web - Mensonges - rumeurs - haine - Peur - la désinformation - la méchanceté - la malveillance"
May 3: Cartooning for Peace Celebrates World Press Freedom Day - Migue (Cuba)
"Fausses nouvelles"
May 3: Cartooning for Peace Celebrates World Press Freedom Day - Kak (France)
"Démocratie - Fausses nouvelles"
May 3: Cartooning for Peace Celebrates World Press Freedom Day - Adene (France)
May 3: Cartooning for Peace Celebrates World Press Freedom Day - Million (France)
"Press week at school - I write in newspapers - What is it?"