Cartooning for Peace / Editos / And the winner is…

And the winner is…

Editorial published on November 05, 2020

This American presidential election offers a suspense worthy of Hitchcock. We predicted it, we feared it… Here we are! While the votes of American voters are still being counted, candidate Trump declared himself the winner of the presidential election the day after November 3. And as promised, he is threatening to go to the Supreme Court to denounce electoral fraud if his victory is not recognized.

As the hours go by, Democratic candidate Joe Biden has more electors than his rival. But it’s a fact that the Democratic wave, as predicted by polls, has not happened. Trumptism is now deeply rooted in the American political landscape.

The whole country (and the world with it!) is in a state of unbearable expectation, uncertainty and, worse, the most extreme division that makes us fear the worst.

To see our previous weekly editorials on international news, take a look here!

  • Vadot (Belgique / Belgium), L’Echo
    And the winner is… - Vadot (Belgique / Belgium), L’Echo
    "I haven't been sleeping well lately..."
  • Hall (Etats-Unis / USA)
    And the winner is… - Hall (Etats-Unis / USA)
  • Chappatte (Suisse / Switzerland), Le Temps
    And the winner is… - Chappatte (Suisse / Switzerland), Le Temps
    "Things are tense in the USA!" "Are you trying to steal the election, here?"
  • ADENE (France)
    And the winner is… - ADENE (France)
  • Kroll (Belgique / Belgium)
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  • Rodriguez (Mexique / Mexico)
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  • Zapiro (Afrique du Sud / South Africa), Daily Maverick
    And the winner is… - Zapiro (Afrique du Sud / South Africa), Daily Maverick
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  • Gado (Kenya)
    And the winner is… - Gado (Kenya)
    "... c'est plus compliqué que ce qu'on pensait" "Pensez juste à mettre votre masque tout le temps!!"
  • Joep Bertrams (Pays-Bas / The Netherlands), De Groene Amsterdammer
    And the winner is… - Joep Bertrams (Pays-Bas / The Netherlands), De Groene Amsterdammer
  • Antt (Royaume-Uni / United Kingdom)
    And the winner is… - Antt (Royaume-Uni / United Kingdom)
    "Dieu blesse les Etats-Unis" "Unis??" / "God save the United States" "United??"
  • Vadot (Belgique / Belgium), L’Echo
  • Hall (Etats-Unis / USA)
  • Chappatte (Suisse / Switzerland), Le Temps
  • ADENE (France)
  • Kroll (Belgique / Belgium)
  • Rodriguez (Mexique / Mexico)
  • Zapiro (Afrique du Sud / South Africa), Daily Maverick
  • Gado (Kenya)
  • Joep Bertrams (Pays-Bas / The Netherlands), De Groene Amsterdammer
  • Antt (Royaume-Uni / United Kingdom)