A unique collection of the greatest African press cartoons
Text by René GUITTON
Preface by Audrey AZOULAY
This book is an event that brings together the greatest press cartoonists from all over the African continent who are fighting in their respective countries for the fundamental right of press freedom. Plantu and Cartooning for Peace have brought together a selection of their most striking cartoons, which together constitute a unique collection. Some fifty cartoonists, including Zapiro (South Africa), Gado (Kenya), Glez (Burkina Faso), Dilem (Algeria), Alaa Satir (Sudan), Sherif Arafa (Egypt), Zohoré (Ivory Coast) and Willis from Tunis (Tunisia) represent some twenty countries. Some of them began their work in often difficult conditions. Others have come to the world. What they all have in common is that they have understood that drawing is the ideal weapon for writing about their society and criticising its ills, despite the intimidation and, in some cases, imprisonment to which they are subjected.
Africa has always been a land of palaver and dialogue between joking cousins who know how to take mockery and self-criticism to extremes. These drawings form the markers of contemporary African history. But these artists do not hesitate to aim some of their arrows at the world. They see us as much as we see them, and their vision of strength, relevance and truth, responds to a single watchword that is repeated from drawing board to newsroom: “Cartooning for Freedom”.
As part of the Africa season 2020
In bookshop the 12th of May
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