“Draw me Gender Equality” is an educational exhibition created in 2022 by Cartooning for Peace and available from 2023 to education professionals.
Illustrated with press cartoons from all over the world, this exhibition retraces, with humour and commitment, the journey of a lifetime: from birth to old age, it addresses the challenges and persistent problems of gender inequality and shows the long struggle of women for equal rights.
Accompanied by an educational booklet, the exhibition is composed of 1 introductory panel followed by 11 thematic panels:
Ghada Hatem, gynaecologist-obstetrician, founder of the Maison des Femmes de Saint-Denis, is the editor of the exhibition texts.
The exhibition is available only in French. If you are interested in using a Cartooning for Peace tool in English, please discover our “Cartooning for Peace and Democracy” educational booklet.
For the launch of the exhibition in 2023 and on the occasion of International Women’s Rights Day, celebrated every year on 8 March, Cartooning for Peace invited people from 13 to 26 year from all over the world to participate in the #cartooningforwomen campaign: a campaign of press cartoons initiated by Cartooning for Peace and its network of cartoonists for several years in favour of gender equality.
– Discover the exhibition (in French):