The « Cartoons in the Spotlight » exhibition came about from a meeting between Les champs Libres and the association Cartooning for Peace. Cartoons in the Spotlight has chosen to deal with the topic by making the sketches speak, adding the text to the picture. Beyond the recognition of the artistic work, the « Cartoons in the Spotlight » exhibition questions the various functions of the cartoon: inform, denounce, communicate, reveal the customs and trends of our society …
The exhibition presents cartoons published in France and abroad, signed by well-known and not-so-well-known artists, both French and foreign (Plantu Chappatte, Donnelly, Graabæk, Kichka, Willem, Zlatkovsky, etc.).
Cartoonist testimonials, large format drawings, television programmes, reconstituted author’s workshop … By diversifying the sources of information and inspiration for the drawing, the exhibition dissects both its manufacturing secrets and the scope of its message but remains funny and instructive.