Join world renowned press cartoonists Jean “Plantu” Plantureux (Le Monde, France), Michel “Kichka” (Courrier International, Israel/Belgium) and Mike Luckovich (Atlanta Journal-Constitution, USA) for a fun, engaging, and provocative reflection of free speech in a democratic society.
In the midst of various key political elections around the globe, growing chasms between different communities in our society, or global threats that breed fear, political cartoons create a valuable space for dialogue, reflection, and tolerance.
By their very nature of satire and irony, press cartoons evoke many questions: in the name of freedom of expression, shall we tolerate anything and everything? Is it possible to laugh about everything, with everyone? How can we combine freedom, responsibility and tolerance?
Inciting a smile, conveying a message, and making people think, the press drawing is an undeniable tool for dialogue and tolerance. This is all the work of awareness and education that Cartooning for Peace has been leading for 10 years.
Two events will be held in conjunction with this special night. First, “The Art of Democracy”, an outdoor exhibition of Cartooning for Peace cartoonists, will be on display as part of ELEVATE, an arts initiative of the City of Atlanta – Mayor’s Office of Cultural Affairs.
Then, Atlanta Public Schools and Georgia Tech students will also have the opportunity to hear from the cartoonists on October 12.