Editorial published on July 21, 2017
Since Nicolas Maduro assumed office as the president of Venezuela in March 2013, the situation in the Bolivarian Republic has gone bad to worse. While the country experiences one of the major both political and economical crisis of its history, Maduro clings to power. His project of constitutional reform to its own advantage and the summon of a constituent assembly expected on the 30th of July, has only been sparking things off. The president doesn’t benefit from the same popular support as his predecessor Chavez and the opposition, which received a plebiscite on the anti-Maduro referendum on the 16 of July, hopes for early elections.
The violence of the suppressions by governmental forces has also worsen. On last week, the government authorized the release from jail of an opposition leader, Leopoldo López, as a sign of calming down. Nevertheless, nearly a hundred persons have died since March, and yesterday, on general strike day, two protestors were killed.
To see our previous weekly editorials on international news, take a look here!
Venezuela: Crisis, Paralysis and General Strike - Rayma (Venezuela)
Venezuela: Crisis, Paralysis and General Strike - Gargalo (Portugal)
Venezuela: Crisis, Paralysis and General Strike - Rayma (Venezuela)
"Oui" / "Yes"
Venezuela: Crisis, Paralysis and General Strike - Ant (Royaume-Uni / UK), Ara
Venezuela: Crisis, Paralysis and General Strike - Arcadio (Costa Rica)
Venezuela: Crisis, Paralysis and General Strike - Molina (Nicaragua)
"Options de Maduro pour les vénézuéliens..." "Ou ils meurent... ou ils meurent..." "Crise" "Répression" /
"Maduro's options for the Venezuelans ..." "Or they die ... or they die ..." "Crisis" "Repression"
Venezuela: Crisis, Paralysis and General Strike - Paresh (Inde / India), The Khaleej Times
"Manifestations silencieuses" " Le Venezuela proteste" "Comme d'habitude, la police anti-émeutes agit pacifiquement..."
Venezuela: Crisis, Paralysis and General Strike - Molina (Nicaragua)
"Avec un peu d'eau et quelques bulles gazeuses"... "Situation au Venezuela" /
"A little water and a few gas bubbles" ... "Situation in Venezuela"
Venezuela: Crisis, Paralysis and General Strike - Boligán (Mexique / Mexico)
Venezuela: Crisis, Paralysis and General Strike - Rayma (Venezuela)