Cartooning for Peace / Editos / United States: a colourful Harris-Trump debate

United States: a colourful Harris-Trump debate

Editorial published on September 12, 2024

On Tuesday 10 September, for the first time, Donald Trump and Kamala Harris took part in a televised debate, a decisive stage in the presidential campaign. The US and foreign media are adamant that the debate largely went in favour of the Democratic candidate who, although she did not put forward anything new on the substance of her programme, impressed with her firmness and offensive attitude. She insisted on her rival’s unstable character and legal setbacks, but also on the failures of Trump’s presidency in the areas of the economy, security and immigration.

Pushed into a corner and visibly rattled, Trump defended himself by relaying some totally insane fake news (he claimed, among other things, that migrants eat pets, or that doctors abort children who have already been born…). Contradicted and corrected several times by the journalists on stage, Donald Trump denounced a rigged debate. But if he has lost this duel, there is still no guarantee that he has lost the election…

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  • Thiago (Brésil / Brazil)
    United States: a colourful Harris-Trump debate - Thiago (Brésil / Brazil)
  • Le Hic (Algérie / Algeria)
    United States: a colourful Harris-Trump debate - Le Hic (Algérie / Algeria)
    Trump-Harris debate - I can't hear !
  • Stellina (Taïwan)
    United States: a colourful Harris-Trump debate - Stellina (Taïwan)
    Trump / Harris
  • Heng (Singapour / Singapore)
    United States: a colourful Harris-Trump debate - Heng (Singapour / Singapore)
  • Gargalo (Portugal)
    United States: a colourful Harris-Trump debate - Gargalo (Portugal)
  • Vadot (Belgique / Belgium)
    United States: a colourful Harris-Trump debate - Vadot (Belgique / Belgium)
    Knowing how to speak to your electorate / With Kamala, the world will be more stable, women's rights will be protected and the economy will be in good shape / She's going to eat my dog!
  • Danziger (États-Unis / USA)
    United States: a colourful Harris-Trump debate - Danziger (États-Unis / USA)
    Trump dit que des migrants illégaux mangent des animaux de compagnie américains - L'horreur, l'horreur !
  • Rodho (France)
    United States: a colourful Harris-Trump debate - Rodho (France)
    US presidential debate: Trump overwhelmed by Kamala Harris / You left his microphone open... When she was speaking!
  • Dilem (Algérie / Algeria)
    United States: a colourful Harris-Trump debate - Dilem (Algérie / Algeria)
    Kamala Harris wins the debate against Donald Trump / They'll say it's our fault again!
  • Kroll (Belgique / Belgium)
    United States: a colourful Harris-Trump debate - Kroll (Belgique / Belgium)
    "Yes she can" Barack Obama - Get me the old man back!
  • Thiago (Brésil / Brazil)
  • Le Hic (Algérie / Algeria)
  • Stellina (Taïwan)
  • Heng (Singapour / Singapore)
  • Gargalo (Portugal)
  • Vadot (Belgique / Belgium)
  • Danziger (États-Unis / USA)
  • Rodho (France)
  • Dilem (Algérie / Algeria)
  • Kroll (Belgique / Belgium)