Editorial published on February 17, 2017
Foreign commentators are deeply scanning the French electoral campaign.
Fillon’s scandal and the division of the left leave the way wide open for the Front National, whose shadow is hanging over the French political landscape. The polls indicate that Marine Le Pen (the far-right leader) would lead by far the first round of the elections, and her electorate appears particularly intent to support its candidate, despite of the charges against her of fictitious employment at the European Parliament.
This is quite a cause of concern and interrogations while the influence of populism and euroscepticism which undermine France and more generally Europe is increasing, according to the progression of far-right parties in many other countries…
To see our previous weekly editorials on international news, take a look here!
France : The Front National is gaining ground - António (Portugal), Expresso
Marine Le Pen, the leader of the French far-right party Front National.
France : The Front National is gaining ground - Cost (Belgique / Belgium)
France : The Front National is gaining ground - Gargalo (Portugal), Cartoon Movement
France : The Front National is gaining ground - Million (France), millioncartoons.com
"Marine [Le Pen] also..." "The press"
France : The Front National is gaining ground - Chappatte (Suisse / Switzerland), Le Temps
"Euro-septic tank"
France : The Front National is gaining ground - Joep Bertrams (Pays-Bas / The Netherlands), De Groene Amsterdammer
"Le vent favorable" De gauche à droite (From left to right): Viktor Orbán (Hongrie/Hungary), Frauke Petry (Allemagne/Germany), Geert Wilders (Pays-Bas/Netherlands), Marine Le Pen (France)
France : The Front National is gaining ground - Tjeerd Royaards (Pays-Bas / The Netherlands), Cartoon Movement
"Démocratie traditionnelle: Votez pour moi !" "Démocratie populiste: VOTEZ POUR MOI !"
France : The Front National is gaining ground - Lefred-Thouron (France), Le Canard enchainé
"The temptation of the populist vote" "What don't you like about Europe?" "There are too many foreigners!"
France : The Front National is gaining ground - Cristina (Portugal)
France : The Front National is gaining ground - Joep Bertrams (Pays-Bas / The Netherlands), De Groene Amsterdammer
"Extrême droite" "En pleine croissance"
France : The Front National is gaining ground - Plantu (France), L’Express
"The Europe of the Enlightenment"
France : The Front National is gaining ground - Mix & Remix (Suisse / Switzerland)
"The traditional parties lagging behind at the European elections" "We are lagging behind the far-right... "We are not anti-European enough!..."