Editorial published on July 16, 2021
While IPCC experts recently published an alarming document on the speed of climate change and heat fires are multiplying in the United States and Canada, the European Union presented its “green pact”, also known as the “Green Deal” or “big bang” on Wednesday 14 July.
This roadmap has an ambitious objective: to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 through a 55% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to 1990. Some measures – such as stopping the marketing of gasoline-powered cars in 2030 or taxing kerosene for European flights from 2023, among others – raise fears of social consequences for the most vulnerable populations, the French example of the “yellow vests” having created a precedent in this area. It will be up to the European Union to demonstrate that the fight for the environment is compatible with the fight against inequality.
To see our previous weekly editorials on international news, take a look here!
Europe: 12 proposals for action on the climate emergency - Adene (France)
"Climate Act"
Europe: 12 proposals for action on the climate emergency - Pov (Madagascar)
"Climate change: the experts (IPCC) sound the alarm - Consumption - growth - planet Earth"
Europe: 12 proposals for action on the climate emergency - Elena (Colombie / Colombia), Le Monde
Europe: 12 proposals for action on the climate emergency - Marco De Angelis (Italie / Italy)
Europe: 12 proposals for action on the climate emergency - Darío (Mexique / Mexico)
Europe: 12 proposals for action on the climate emergency - Zohoré (Côte d’Ivoire / Ivory Coast)
"Do not destroy the ozone layer! It's not good for the planet! - Let's protect the planet"
Europe: 12 proposals for action on the climate emergency - Tjeerd Royaards (Pays-Bas / The Netherlands)
"Le chemin de la guérison post-Corona - Vite fait, bien fait - Durable - Capitalisme"
Europe: 12 proposals for action on the climate emergency - Joep Bertrams (Pays-Bas / The Netherlands)
"Un non-sens complet, chérie - Sauvez notre planète"
Europe: 12 proposals for action on the climate emergency - Martirena (Cuba)
Europe: 12 proposals for action on the climate emergency - Jiho (France)
"The 2030 Climate March"