Editorial published on April 07, 2022
The horror of the war in Ukraine is taking all the attention and the latest report of the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), published on April 4, is going somewhat unnoticed. And yet…
In this third part devoted to solutions, the IPCC calls for immediate measures in all sectors for a “livable future”. In short, to limit warming to 1.5 degrees, the peak of greenhouse gas emissions must be reached by 2025 at the latest. In other words, tomorrow! The experts are formal: “We have the tools and the know-how to limit global warming”. But it is “now or never”. After that, it will be too late for the whole of humanity…
To see our previous weekly editorials on international news, take a look here!
Climate: and the IPCC report in all this? - Plop&KanKr (France)
Climate: and the IPCC report in all this? - Cami (France)
"Climate emergency"
Climate: and the IPCC report in all this? - Kak (France)
"Climate: new IPCC warning" - "We cannot continue at this rate with 8 billion human beings." - "I may have a solution."- "2022 Report" - "IPCC"
Climate: and the IPCC report in all this? - Kroll (Belgique / Belgium), Le Soir
"The latest IPCC report insists" - "International cooperation is essential" - "It's not won"
Climate: and the IPCC report in all this? - Rodho (France)
"Only 3 years left to keep the world 'livable'!" - "It's the IPCC that says so!" - "What should we do!?" - "Delete the IPCC!" - "IPCC it's hot!"
Climate: and the IPCC report in all this? - Tjeerd Royaards (Pays-Bas / The Netherlands)
"Code rouge" - "Agir maintenant" - "Pas de planète B" - "Rapport du GIEC".
Climate: and the IPCC report in all this? - Kuper (Etats-Unis / USA), Charlie Hebdo
"La dépendance aux combustibles fossiles est une destruction mutuellement assurée." - "Antonio Guterres secrétaire général des Nations-unies"
Climate: and the IPCC report in all this? - Amorim (Brésil)
"Flooding" - "Drought"
Climate: and the IPCC report in all this? - Vadot (Belgique / Belgium), L’Echo
Climate: and the IPCC report in all this? - Million (France)
"Latest IPCC report: enough to make you despair..." - You will find that it is not already polluted enough!?" - "It's recycled paper!" - "But you?" - "IPCC report"