Editorial published on May 07, 2024
Artificial intelligence is everywhere. Some believe it has the capacity to change civilisation, like writing or computers; others are worried about its incredible power to destroy. But what are we talking about?
The spectacular success of the chatbot ChatGPT, launched at the end of 2022, introduced the general public to a sample of the possibilities offered by artificial intelligence (AI): for better or for worse? Awareness of the need to establish a framework for the development of AI seems to be accelerating recently. This technological advance raises vast ethical, legal, political and economic questions… human questions, in short, as it disrupts every sphere of our lives.
Cartooning for Peace’s editorial cartoonists illustrate these issues in their new book, “Artificial Intelligence: (r)evolution“, published by Gallimard. Always with humour and… intelligence!
Find all the archives of our weekly editorials here!
Artificial intelligence: a (r)evolution? - Dilem (Algérie / Algeria)
"Artificial intelligence"
Artificial intelligence: a (r)evolution? - Solís (Mexique / Mexico)
Artificial intelligence: a (r)evolution? - Kroll (Belgique / Belgium)
"Oh sh....!"
Artificial intelligence: a (r)evolution? - Bénédicte (Suisse / Switzerland)
"Congratulations! Your editing software has come a long way!"
Artificial intelligence: a (r)evolution? - Chappatte (Suisse / Switzerland)
"Human resources department, go ahead..."
Artificial intelligence: a (r)evolution? - Boligán (Mexique / Mexico)
Artificial intelligence: a (r)evolution? - Rodho (France)
"I'm less afraid of artificial intelligence... than of those who create it"
Artificial intelligence: a (r)evolution? - Tjeerd Royaards (Pays-Bas / The Netherlands)
"Oh non, elle est plus intelligente que nous!"
Artificial intelligence: a (r)evolution? - Arend Van Dam (Pays-Bas / The Netherlands)
Artificial intelligence: a (r)evolution? - Hall (Etats-Unis / USA)