Editorial published on January 06, 2020
Five years already since barbarians massacred the editorial staff of Charlie Hebdo. Five years already that we deplore the victims of the attacks of January 2015 and that we live without the cartoons of Cabu, Charb, Honoré, Tignous, Wolinski…
Impossible to resolve, despite the passage of time.
The decision by the New York Times last June to stop the press cartoon was a further step in the long struggle to defend this unique form of freedom of expression *.
And yet, 5 years later, Charlie Hebdo is still standing, and cartoonists around the world continue to resist to defend freedom, democracy, humour, criticism, impertinence, intelligence… all these human qualities that differentiate us from barbarians.
*This is what the Addis Ababa Declaration for the recognition of press cartoons as a fundamental right, as well as the recent special dossier published by Cartooning for Peace and Courrier International last December, remind us.
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Always Charlie - Plantu (France)
according to Delacroix - I am Charlie
Always Charlie - Boligán (Mexique / Mexico)
Always Charlie - António (Portugal)
Always Charlie - Marec (Belgique / Belgium)
I am Charlie
Always Charlie - Joep Bertrams (Pays-Bas / Netherlands)
Always Charlie - Cristina (Portugal)
Always Charlie - Kroll (Belgique / Belgium)
Charlie Hebdo 5 years already... - F... ! They are still there... - I wonder if they're not stronger than us?! - That's the humor, that's what it is! It's resilient!
Always Charlie - Lars Refn (Danemark / Denmark)
Always Charlie - Lectrr (Belgique / Belgium)
hmm, plus je coupe... - Plus ça devient tranchant...
Always Charlie - Cam de la Fu (Venezuela)
Always Charlie - Riber (Suède / Sweden)
Always Charlie - Cost. (Belgique / Belgium)
Always Charlie - Machado (Brésil / Brazil)
Always Charlie - Jiho (France)
Monument to the dead - to laugh
Always Charlie - Glez (Burkina Faso)
Citizen - Hypocritical - Atheist - Rebellious - Libertarian - Indignant - Emotional
Always Charlie - Kichka (Israel)
I am Charlie -
Always Charlie - Kristian (France)
I'm still Charlie - more than yesterday... - Less than tomorrow!
Always Charlie - Pedro X. Molina (Nicaragua)
I am Charlie