Press Cartoonist and storyboarder, Mykaïa was born in Tunis (Tunisia).
He grew up at his parents’s Classical Dance Academy (Tramoni Caparros School, 1957-2007).
He graduated from Besançon Fine Art School before working for several years at the newspaper La Presse de Tunisie. He then moved to Paris and became journalist. As a cartoonist, he has worked for magazines and newspapers such as Le Hérisson, La Grosse Bertha, Siné Hebdo, Siné Mensuel, Zélium, 60 Millions de consommateurs, La vie à défendre, Le Monde) and also for the Web (Rue 89 and La Télé, Le and the TV (28 minutes ARTE, Flash Talk, France Ô and LCP).
He also draws for the business press and works as a designer and storyboarder for screenwriting communication campaigns. During the 32nd Festival de la Bande Dessinée d’Angoulême in 2005, he won the Grand Prix de la Communication as a storyboarder designer for the agency Corporate Fiction for the album 24 hours sous tension (Pfizer).
His most recent books : Actuanalyse comportementale (2014), In Memoriam (2013), Recueil existentiel sur une année d’actualité présidentielle (2012), Fragments fulminatoires d’une année lacrymatoire (2011).