Cartooning for Peace / Editos / Meanwhile, in Latin America…

Meanwhile, in Latin America…

Editorial published on April 14, 2017


On April 1st, the Supreme Court reconsidered its decisions to assume the functions of the Parliament, controlled by the opposition, and to expand the powers of the President Nicolás Maduro. The international community and the opposition parties denounced a coup. Since then, numerous anti-Maduro demonstrations have been taken place in Caracas and in the rest of the country. The demonstrators ask to the government to hold general elections and release political prisoners. Violent clashes between police and demonstrators erupted, killing four people.


In the presidential election, that took place on April 2nd, Lenín Moreno, candidate of Alianza País (the party of the current president Rafael Correa), was announced as the winner of the poll with 51.17% of votes. Guillermo Lasso, his political opponent, had called for a recount of the votes, as he felt that there was a significant gap between the polls done after leaving the polling stations, which indicated he might be the winner, and the final result. On April 4th, the National Electoral Council (CNE) officially confirmed the victory of Lenín Moreno, who will take up his duties on May 24th.


Since January 20th, the US government has expelled 33,934 Mexican illegal immigrants, according to the statistics from the National Institute of Migration (Mexico). The Trump administration is ready to expel 11 million illegal immigrants, of which 5.7 million are Mexicans. President Enrique Peña Nieto has reinforced the program “Somos Mexicanos” (“We are Mexicans”) to welcome his compatriots. A hard return for these Mexicans who have been living for many years in the United States.

To see our previous weekly editorials on international news, take a look here!

  • António (Portugal), Expresso
    Meanwhile, in Latin America… - António (Portugal), Expresso
    Nicolás Maduro, président du Venezuela / Nicolás Maduro President of Venezuela
  • Rayma (Venezuela),
    Meanwhile, in Latin America… - Rayma (Venezuela),
  • Rapé (Mexique / Mexico)
    Meanwhile, in Latin America… - Rapé (Mexique / Mexico)
  • Weil (Venezuela)
    Meanwhile, in Latin America… - Weil (Venezuela)
    "Un vent de liberté" / "Winds of freedom"
  • Boligán (Mexique / Mexico), El Universal
    Meanwhile, in Latin America… - Boligán (Mexique / Mexico), El Universal
    Le président équatorien Rafael Correa / The President of Ecuador Rafael Correa
  • Matador (Colombie / Colombia), El Tiempo
    Meanwhile, in Latin America… - Matador (Colombie / Colombia), El Tiempo
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  • Bonil (Équateur / Ecuador), El Universo
    Meanwhile, in Latin America… - Bonil (Équateur / Ecuador), El Universo
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  • Antonio Rodríguez (Mexique / Mexico), Cartoon Movement
    Meanwhile, in Latin America… - Antonio Rodríguez (Mexique / Mexico), Cartoon Movement
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  • Daryl Cagle (États-Unis / USA),
    Meanwhile, in Latin America… - Daryl Cagle (États-Unis / USA),
    Trump: "Ma politique migratoire me permettra d'expulser 12 millions de sans-papiers - je serai gentil et bienveillant comme le président Eisenhower et les dessins animés des années 50." Speedy Gonzales: "Connard !"
  • Boligán (Mexique / Mexico), El Universal
    Meanwhile, in Latin America… - Boligán (Mexique / Mexico), El Universal
  • António (Portugal), Expresso
  • Rayma (Venezuela),
  • Rapé (Mexique / Mexico)
  • Weil (Venezuela)
  • Boligán (Mexique / Mexico), El Universal
  • Matador (Colombie / Colombia), El Tiempo
  • Bonil (Équateur / Ecuador), El Universo
  • Antonio Rodríguez (Mexique / Mexico), Cartoon Movement
  • Daryl Cagle (États-Unis / USA),
  • Boligán (Mexique / Mexico), El Universal