Cartooning for Peace / Editos / Tribute to Prince

Tribute to Prince

Editorial published on April 26, 2016

The so-called Kid from Minneapolis died yesterday at 57. For more than 30 years of career, Prince, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist prodigy, knew how to renew funk, jazz and soul, as well rock and pop. He left us a rich musical heritage. The Cartooning for Peace cartoonists’ paid homage to him.

To see our previous weekly editorials on international news, have a look here!

  • Marec (Belgium), published in Het Nieuwsblad
    Tribute to Prince - Marec (Belgium), published in Het Nieuwsblad
  • Hall (United States)
    Tribute to Prince - Hall (United States)
  • Joep Bertrams (Netherlands)
    Tribute to Prince - Joep Bertrams (Netherlands)
  • Kichka (Israel)
    Tribute to Prince - Kichka (Israel)
  • Lectrr (Belgium), published in De Standaard
    Tribute to Prince - Lectrr (Belgium), published in De Standaard
  • Marec (Belgium), published in Het Nieuwsblad
    Tribute to Prince - Marec (Belgium), published in Het Nieuwsblad
  • Bado (Canada), published in Le Droit
    Tribute to Prince - Bado (Canada), published in Le Droit
  • Avi Katz (Israel)
    Tribute to Prince - Avi Katz (Israel)
  • Rayma (Venezuela)
    Tribute to Prince - Rayma (Venezuela)
  • Vadot (Belgium), published in L’Echo
    Tribute to Prince - Vadot (Belgium), published in L’Echo
  • Glez (Burkina Faso)
    Tribute to Prince - Glez (Burkina Faso)
  • Marec (Belgium), published in Het Nieuwsblad
  • Hall (United States)
  • Joep Bertrams (Netherlands)
  • Kichka (Israel)
  • Lectrr (Belgium), published in De Standaard
  • Marec (Belgium), published in Het Nieuwsblad
  • Bado (Canada), published in Le Droit
  • Avi Katz (Israel)
  • Rayma (Venezuela)
  • Vadot (Belgium), published in L’Echo
  • Glez (Burkina Faso)