Cartooning for Peace / Editos / Palmyra : a victory for Bashar Al-Assad?

Palmyra : a victory for Bashar Al-Assad?

Editorial published on March 31, 2016

On Sunday March 27, the army of Bashar Al-Assad took Palmyra from the hands of ISIS. The Jihadists took the city in May 2015 and destroyed a part of its archaeological heritage, to the great disapproval of the international community. Ever since, international organisations had been demanding for the ancient city – classified as World Heritage by UNESCO – to be retaken.
Although this advance is encouraging in the fight against ISIS, the apparent decline of the Jihadists in Syria does not resolve the question of Bashar Al-Assad’s fate as on-going ruler of the country. On Wednesday March 30, the Syrian opposition rejected Mr. Assad’s proposal to form a government of national unity, opposition leaders continuing to favour a transitional authority where Assad would have no role to play.

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  • Hani Abbas (Syria/Palestine)
    Palmyra : a victory for Bashar Al-Assad? - Hani Abbas (Syria/Palestine)
  • Debuhme (France), published in Vigousse
    Palmyra : a victory for Bashar Al-Assad? - Debuhme (France), published in Vigousse
    Bashar takes over Palmyra - ... and soon, everything will be rebuilt as before... - Tadmor prison for opponents
  • Faro (France), published in Vigousse
    Palmyra : a victory for Bashar Al-Assad? - Faro (France), published in Vigousse
    Palmyra: 80% of the architecture would be intact - Youhouuuu ! ... They left everything in a perfect condition!
  • Vadot (Belgium), published in Le Vif/L’Express
    Palmyra : a victory for Bashar Al-Assad? - Vadot (Belgium), published in Le Vif/L’Express
    Palmyra, the pearl of the desert ... Or what's left of it...
  • Jiho (France), published in Marianne
    Palmyra : a victory for Bashar Al-Assad? - Jiho (France), published in Marianne
    We will rebuild Palmyra - Are you sure that was there ?
  • Emad Hajjaj (Jordan)
    Palmyra : a victory for Bashar Al-Assad? - Emad Hajjaj (Jordan)
  • Wurster (Germany)
    Palmyra : a victory for Bashar Al-Assad? - Wurster (Germany)
    President Assad talks to the people
  • Paresh (India)
    Palmyra : a victory for Bashar Al-Assad? - Paresh (India)
  • Boligán (Mexico)
    Palmyra : a victory for Bashar Al-Assad? - Boligán (Mexico)
  • Hani Abbas (Syria/Palestine)
  • Debuhme (France), published in Vigousse
  • Faro (France), published in Vigousse
  • Vadot (Belgium), published in Le Vif/L’Express
  • Jiho (France), published in Marianne
  • Emad Hajjaj (Jordan)
  • Wurster (Germany)
  • Paresh (India)
  • Boligán (Mexico)