Cartooning for Peace / Editos / March 8: the Struggle of All of Us!

March 8: the Struggle of All of Us!

Editorial published on March 08, 2019

It has been 42 years since International Women’s Day was formalized on March 8. During these four decades, women have fought various battles to obtain rights that were denied to them (education, abortion, the right to vote, equal pay…).

These are struggles that they are still pursuing around the world, unfortunately. In addition, there is also harassment, physical and sexual violence, feminicide, forced marriages of young girls…

So, for the years to come, women’s struggle must also become men’s struggle!

To see our previous weekly editorials on international news, take a look here!

  • Côté (Canada), Le Soleil
    March 8: the Struggle of All of Us! - Côté (Canada), Le Soleil
    "Male solidarity" "Female solidarity"
  • Rayma (Venezuela)
    March 8: the Struggle of All of Us! - Rayma (Venezuela)
  • Nani (Colombie-Espagne / Colombia-Spain), El Espectador
    March 8: the Struggle of All of Us! - Nani (Colombie-Espagne / Colombia-Spain), El Espectador
    "Je suis déjà féministe !" / "I'm already a feminist!"
  • Willis from Tunis (Tunisie / Tunisia)
    March 8: the Struggle of All of Us! - Willis from Tunis (Tunisie / Tunisia)
    "Divide and conquer" "Submissive woman!" "Unworthy woman!" "Women, our coffees!"
  • Toshiko (Japon / Japan)
    March 8: the Struggle of All of Us! - Toshiko (Japon / Japan)
  • Le Hic (Algérie / Algeria), El Watan
    March 8: the Struggle of All of Us! - Le Hic (Algérie / Algeria), El Watan
  • Elena (Colombie / Colombia), El Colombiano
    March 8: the Struggle of All of Us! - Elena (Colombie / Colombia), El Colombiano
  • Adene (France)
    March 8: the Struggle of All of Us! - Adene (France)
  • Toshiko (Japon / Japan)
    March 8: the Struggle of All of Us! - Toshiko (Japon / Japan)
    "École - Compagnie - Presse - Films - Orchestre - Studios - Théâtre - Usine - Bar -Bureau - Supermarché - Magasin - Médias - Gouvernement"
  • Boligán (Mexique / Mexico), El Universal
    March 8: the Struggle of All of Us! - Boligán (Mexique / Mexico), El Universal
  • Donnelly (États-Unis / USA)
    March 8: the Struggle of All of Us! - Donnelly (États-Unis / USA)
    "Quand je serai grande, j'espère qu'on croira mes allégations de viol."
  • Firoozeh (Iran)
    March 8: the Struggle of All of Us! - Firoozeh (Iran)
  • Côté (Canada), Le Soleil
  • Rayma (Venezuela)
  • Nani (Colombie-Espagne / Colombia-Spain), El Espectador
  • Willis from Tunis (Tunisie / Tunisia)
  • Toshiko (Japon / Japan)
  • Le Hic (Algérie / Algeria), El Watan
  • Elena (Colombie / Colombia), El Colombiano
  • Adene (France)
  • Toshiko (Japon / Japan)
  • Boligán (Mexique / Mexico), El Universal
  • Donnelly (États-Unis / USA)
  • Firoozeh (Iran)